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Explore your creative side during these workshops that delve into the intersection of wildlife, nature and the written word.

New York has always lived and thrived by water. From the Harlem to the East to the Hudson, our local rivers smooth the way for change and growth, facilitate the migrations of birds, fish, whales, crabs, oysters, and humans, and provide bounty and sustenance to everyone who calls this city home.

The Nature Poetry series at the Pier 57 Discovery Tank gives participants an opportunity to reflect, through reading and writing poetry, on the interconnectedness between the natural and human worlds with the Hudson River as your muse. From field notes to free-flowing free writes to full-fledged poems, in these workshops you will discover new, refreshing ways of appreciating, engaging with, and acting as a steward of the natural world of New York City.

Whether you’re an experienced writer or have never written before, the Writing Nature: Poetry series will give you an opportunity to reimagine your relationship to that magnificent river that shapes our city.

Space is limited, sign up today to secure your spot!

About the Instructor:

Suzanne Highland is a queer, Southern writer living in New York City. She has a BA from Florida State University and an MFA from Hunter College, where she received the Miriam Weinberg Richter Award for Conspicuous Ability in English in 2016. Her poetry has been published in Apogee Journal, Nat. Brut, Redivider, A Velvet Giant, and in the anthology Home is Where You Queer Your Heart from Foglifter Press, among others. In 2021 and 2022, Suzanne’s work was nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize, and she is the voice behind “Mortal Lives,” an essay series about ecology, money, death, and birds, available on Substack. Suzanne is also a licensed wildlife rehabilitator at the Wild Bird Fund, a nonprofit on the Upper West Side that rehabilitates sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife for release back into the wilds of New York City.

A blenny fish looking out across the water, perched on a piece of wood

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Thursday, Oct 12
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
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