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Back to nature! Hudson River Park’s Habitat Garden spans three city blocks from W. 26 St. to W. 29 St. The garden is an ecological planting zone where only native trees and plants were used in the design. The plant palette supports a diverse range of bird and insect species. In this area, wildlife is given priority over people, and only gardeners, volunteers and organized educational trips may enter this protected habitat area.

The Habitat Garden was constructed in 2006 and continues to change with the seasons. It’s also a good spot to volunteer if you have a green thumb.

Native Plants and Animals

The Habitat Garden supports both local and migratory bird populations. Trees like the Canadian hemlock, American holly and eastern red cedar provide shelter and nesting habitat to many bird species with their dense branching habits. Berry-producing shrubs including inkberry and winterberry are a year-round food source.

Monarch Waystation  

Monarch butterflies are a migratory species commonly seen throughout the Park during the summer and early fall. The Habitat Garden has a significant population of milkweed and other nectar plants, and has been designated as a certified Monarch Waystation.

Education Opportunities

Students are invited to explore the Habitat Garden during class field trip programs. Garden Adventures lessons are focused on native plant and animal species, migratory behaviors and sustainable behaviors.