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As a member of our Park community, you can make a huge difference in reducing our plastic footprint (and your own!). Below, you’ll find simple daily choices you can make that reduce plastic consumption and opportunities to get involved and make a difference for future generations.

Together, we can improve the health of the Hudson River and set a sustainable example for our city and beyond.

Reduce Plastic Consumption

Single-use plastics have become a nearly invisible staple in our day-to-day lives but by making a few simple swaps when you come to the Park, you can help us build a greener open space!

  • Bring a reusable water bottle. You’ll find convenient bottle-fillers all over our four-mile footprint.
  • Recycle smart. Recycling in your Park is easier than ever. Use the bins, and be sure you know what’s recyclable!
  • Refuse Single Use Plastics. Reusable bags, metal straws, and more – there are ways to swap out your single-use plastics. Check out options in HRPK’s Green Resource Guide

Get involved

Whether you’re eager to lend a hand, get your organization on board or share the word with your communities, you can take an active role in Park Over Plastic.

  • Join a Shoreline Cleanup. Estuary Lab scientists regularly host shoreline cleanups, open to members of the public like you! You’ll remove plastics from our shores and record macroplastic data, taking part in our ongoing plastics research. Check out the River Project page.
  • Become a Green Partner. Green Partners are the backbone of HRPK Park Over Plastic – find out how your local business can get involved. More info forthcoming. Stay tuned!
  • Become a Sustainability Sponsor. Show your organization’s support for a greener NYC! Contact Tom Lindon, VP of Marketing and Events at to learn more.
  • Spread the Word. To build a greener Park, we need your voice! Help us build our Park Over Plastic community by sharing on social media. Drop your email below, and we’ll send you our Park Over Plastic social media package – so you can let your friends and family know you choose Park over Plastic.