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All athletes who “fundrace” for Hudson River Park Friends and raise funds through their own networks for the completion, care and enhancement of our Park are members of Team HRPK! Meet some of our athletes and learn which races they’ve participated in.

Do you want to become a Team HRPK athlete? Complete our Team HRPK Interest Form and we’ll let you know of upcoming races. Or if you’re already participating in a race and want to fundrace for Hudson River Park Friends, visit here.

2024 United Airlines NYC Half
"Always something to look at — beautiful stretches of water and green, glimpses of skyline — and cool breezes off the river!"

2024 United Airlines NYC Half
"I love to veer off of the main Hudson River Park path and run along the piers. Each pier is different, offering unique horticultural experiences and stunning views of the city and the Hudson."

2023 TCS New York City Marathon
"When you run along the Hudson River Park, you're able to step away from the traffic and the sky scrapers and take in a totally different world."

2023 TCS New York City Marathon
"I am racing for Team HRPK because I care a lot about the Park and run there almost everyday!"

2023 TCS New York City Marathon
"I love the Park and I’ve loved meeting the people who support it. Hudson River Park is my go-to space in this city and I am so grateful to Hudson River Park Friends for making it the beautiful safe haven that ...

2023 United Airlines NYC Half
"With the changing seasons, and different times of day, HRPK regularly offers a new experience unlike anywhere in the world!"

2023 United Airlines NYC Half
"Hudson River Park is such a bright spot in Manhattan and the training ground for all of my runs. It’s such a beautiful place that it’s hard not to feel anything’s possible."

2023 United Airlines NYC Half
"It's beautifully maintained and designed, it's safe and well-lit, it has amazing views, and it goes for miles. It's perfect for running."

2023 TD Five Boro Bike Tour
"The Park is a place where everyone is accepted...You'll see everyone from children to the elderly participating in athletic activities in the Park, and there are so many!"

2022 TCS New York City Marathon
"No matter what you are looking for in NYC, you can find it somewhere in the HRPK. There is always something captivating going on!"

2022 TCS New York City Marathon
"Hudson River Park is an outstanding outlet for the community to access the waterfront and much needed green spaces."

2022 TCS New York City Marathon
'It's special to be able to be in the heart of a city and also to be able to run through nature."

2022 TCS New York City Marathon
"Running is my escape. I feel confident and in control. Every time I combine this feeling with the views along Hudson River Park, I feel completely reset."

2022 TCS New York City Marathon
"HRPK is a great place for down time during work and for leisure activities at night and weekends such as salsa dancing. I love running through waterfront parks and supporting sustainability!"