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Nourishing Wellness While Serving the Community

A Corporate Member Conversation with Jamestown’s Becca Rushin

The Hudson River Park Friends Corporate Membership program connects leading community-minded organizations across industries to Hudson River Park’s vital, growing green space. In addition to providing necessary funds that help support the Park’s stunning landscapes, sustainability initiatives, free cultural and environmental education programs and operations, Corporate Members give back hands-on in the Park through volunteerism.

We spoke to Becca Rushin, Vice President of Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Jamestown – a dedicated, longtime Corporate Member – about how their partnership with HRPK aligns with their mission, why their team loves volunteering in the Park, why their team chose to join us in the field during the pandemic, and what looking forward to this year in the Park.

Jamestown volunteers in HRPK’s 14th Street Park

Hudson River Park: Jamestown has been a Corporate Member with HRPK Friends for over five years now. Why has corporate volunteering been so important to you and your colleagues over the years?

Becca Rushin: Jamestown’s mission, to transform spaces into innovation hubs and community centers, is centered on being integrated into the communities where we operate. Employee volunteerism fosters connections between employees outside of the office and normal working teams and helps to create a meaningful connection to nonprofit organizations doing critical and inspiring work in our neighborhoods. It’s become a tradition that employees look forward to every year.

Jamestown volunteers cleaning up 14th Street Park
Jamestown volunteers beautifying garden beds during fall 2020

HRPK: Why was it important that Jamestown support the Park by volunteering during the pandemic?

BR: The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the essential role of parks in our neighborhoods. By providing space for exercise and recreation and a connection to nature, parks like the HRPK support physical and mental health on a community scale. In this way, the HRPK helped sustain the Chelsea community during the pandemic. As a member of the Chelsea community for nearly 20 years, we wanted to do our part to help sustain the Park.

In a time of isolation, working together safely to support the Park nourished our own wellness as much as it served the community.

HRPK: Can you tell us about your employees’ experience working with the Hudson River Park Friends team?

BR: The HRPK team makes volunteering fun and gives our work context by providing education on the Park’s ecology. They’ve been a great partner on many company service days over the years. We’re already planning our next volunteer day with the HRPK for the fall.

HRPK: What is Jamestown most excited about that’s happening in the Park?

We’re looking forward to exploring the new HRPK pier, Little Island, which is adjacent to our New York office at Chelsea Market. The opening of Little Island – amid New York’s recovery and rebound from the pandemic – showcases the City’s resilience and continual progress despite the many hardships of the past year.

Little Island in Hudson River Park

For more information on the Corporate Membership Program, please contact Amy Molinero at or 212-757-0981 x734.